domaine-aide-aux-survivants 9CA63A Help for survivors

Aide aux survivants | Maintien à domicile

Casip-Cojasor - Des aides au maintien à domicile pour les survivants de la Shoah

The Casip-Cojasor Foundation reviews requests from increasingly dependent Holocaust survivors to receive care or various forms of aid at home. This financial assistance comes from a specific fund awarded by the Claims Conference and the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Activités culturelles

La Maison des Seniors et de la Culture du Casip-Cojasor

The Casip-Cojasor Foundation has two venues that host and develop activities for seniors, especially Holocaust survivors. The Senior and Culture Center in Paris offers lectures, workshops, meetings, shows and cultural activities.

"Plan France" : Improving the information provided to Holocaust survivors about home care assistance from the Claims Conference

The Claims Conference offers a home care assistance program for Jewish victims of Nazism. The FMS is launching an ambitious communication campaign to raise awareness about these aids.

Related resources

Supported projects - Help for survivors

Solidarity toward Shoah survivors and those who suffered anti-Semitic persecution is one of the main priorities of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. The Foundation finances specific programs established by social and medical institutions. These programs aim to meet the needs of Shoah survivors by offering specific services. The Foundation also works to reduce the isolation of survivors by supporting associations that offer them group activities and cultural events. Today, approximately 3,000 Shoah survivors may benefit from these specific services.