domaine-aide-aux-survivants 9CA63A Help for survivors

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Distribution de colis de nourriture par le Jaffa Institute

The Jaffa Institute helps needy Israelis by federating a network of 7,000 people. With support from the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, it has set up a food aid program specifically for Holocaust survivors living below the poverty line in Tel Aviv’s southern district.

Aide aux survivants | Activités estivales

Séjours de vacances pour les survivants de la Shoah dépendants

Every year since 2011, “Dessine-Moi Mon Répit” organizes trips for dependant seniors. They have two goals: to let them enjoy a vacation and give their caregivers a break.

Aide aux survivants | Établissement médicalisé

Tikva - Un programme d'accompagnement pour les survivants de la Shoah

Le programme Tikva s'adresse aux survivants de la Shoah, anciens enfants cachés ou enfants de déportés résidents de la Maison de retraite et de gériatrie de la Fondation de Rothschild. Il leur permet de profiter au quotidien des services d’auxiliaires de vie sociale formées à la culture juive et à la prise en compte des traumatismes dus à la Shoah.


Aide aux survivants | Israël

Jérusalem - Repas quotidiens pour des survivants de la Shoah

Every day, Carmei Haïr, a humanitarian organization in Jerusalem, offers meals to low-income people, especially Holocaust survivors.

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Latet, aux côtés des survivants de la Shoah en Israël

Latet is an organization that helps disadvantaged Israelis. Since 2007, the Foundation has supported this group, which comes to the aid of needy Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Aide aux survivants | A l'étranger

Russie : aide aux survivants de la Shoah atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer

Since 2012, the Hesed Avraham Health Care Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia has offered specific support for victims of Nazism with neurodegenerative conditions.

Aide aux survivants | Activités estivales

Bel Été - Des activités estivales pour les survivants de la Shoah en région parisienne

Thos program offers activities and get-togethers for Holocaust survivors in the Paris region in August. The goals are to decrease their isolation during the summer vacation period and foster friendships in a convivial setting.

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Aides individuelles

Un fonds d’urgence pour les survivants de la Shoah en France

Since 2002, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah has awarded over two million euros to the Emergency Fund for Holocaust Survivors. The fund comes to the occasional aid of needy survivors to help them meet exceptional expenses.

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Une aide médico-sociale pour les anciens enfants cachés en France

Aloumim is an Israeli organization grouping together children hidden in France during the Holocaust and the volunteers who work with them. It focuses on preserving memory and provides its neediest members with medical and social assistance.

Aide aux survivants | Maintien à domicile

Casip-Cojasor - Des aides au maintien à domicile pour les survivants de la Shoah

The Casip-Cojasor Foundation reviews requests from increasingly dependent Holocaust survivors to receive care or various forms of aid at home. This financial assistance comes from a specific fund awarded by the Claims Conference and the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

Related resources