Recherche | Colloque

L’antisémitisme au XIXe siècle : perspectives internationales

To understand both current and National Socialist varieties of anti-Semitism, it is necessary to understand the emergence of new forms of anti-Judaism in the nineteenth century. An investigation of the phenomenon in comparative and transnational perspective, which has been only rarely attempted, promises to provide new insights.

October 21-23, 2015 - Paris

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Recherche | Colloque

Conférence Simon Wiesenthal - Collaboration en Europe de l'Est pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la Shoah

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars in the humanities and social sciences to forge new analytical perspectives on collaboration in Eastern Europe. Panels will address memory, trials, and the role of institutions such as the police, state administration, and press in the destruction of Jews and Roma in the Holocaust.

December 5-7, 2013 - Vienna, Austria

Recherche | Colloque

Colloque international - Élie Wiesel : Mémoire, midrash et chant

Holocaust survivor and famous writer, Elie Wiesel has became a central figure in the memory of the Holocaust and human rights defense. This conference will focus on the foundations of its work. This colloquium is supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

October 14-16, 2013 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Recherche | Publication

À l'intérieur d'un camp de travail nazi, Récits des survivants : mémoire et histoire - Christopher R. Browning

En 1972, la cour de justice de Hambourg acquitte Walter Becker, le lavant de l’accusation de crimes de guerre commis à l'encontre de la population juive du ghetto de Wierzbnik alors qu'il était chef de la police criminelle. Christopher R. Browning se penche alors sur les récits des survivants et les interrogatoires réalisés en vue du procès. Il s’attache à un objet historique relativement peu étudié pour lui-même faute de documentation, le camp-usine de travail forcé.

Norton & Company - 2010

Recherche | Publication

Images d'un pillage, Album de la spoliation des Juifs à Paris (1940-1944) - Sarah Gensburger

The discovery of more than 1,500 prized paintings and drawings in a private Munich residence, as well as a recent movie about Allied attempts to recover European works of art, have brought Nazi plundering back into the headlines, but the thievery was far from being limited to works of art. From 1942 onwards, ordinary Parisian Jews - mostly poor families and recent immigrants from Eastern Europe - were robbed, not of sculptures or paintings, but of toys, saucepans, furniture, and sheets.

Recherche | Publication

Lot-et-Garonne, terre d'exil, terre d'asile. Les réfugiés juifs pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Marie-Juliette Vielcazat-Petitcol

Relatively protected by its rural isolation, the French region of Lot-et-Garonne became, during the Second World War, the refuge for a significant number of Jews, the large majority of whom escaped deportation. By synthesising an analysis of administrative documents with more than 300 testimonies given by both survivors and those who helped to save them, the reader is able not only to understand the relentless course of the persecution of the Jews, but also to appreciate the acts of brave individuals to save them. This work is available from Editions d'Albret (4, rue Mandrina 40180 Narrosse).

La nouvelle école polonaise d'histoire de la Shoah

In a context marked in Poland by a "policy of memory" aimed at reducing, if not denying, the participation of Polish populations in the hunt and murder of Polish Jews, this symposium highlights the wealth of historical work carried out by researchers in this country over the past 20 years.

International colloquium on 21-22 February 2019 - EHESS, Paris

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Jan Tomasz Gross : itinéraire d'un historien de la Shoah en Pologne

As part of the conference "The New Polish School of Holocaust History" to be held from 21 to 22 February 2019 in Paris, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah and the Collège de France are organizing a public lecture by historian Jan Tomasz Gross, professor emeritus at Princeton University.

Available on line - Conference given on Thursday 21 February 2019 at the Collège de France, Paris

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