And from the depths of your wounds, I will heal you...- Dr Gaston Revel



This book is a first-hand account by a Jewish doctor from Alsace, Dr Gaston Revel, who was initially a member of the French Resistance. Starting in 1945, he went on missions for the OSE and the Bund in displaced persons camps in Germany, bringing back a gripping and unique account.

2022 - éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah

Journal 1939-1945. Une famille juive alsacienne durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Jacques Samuel



Jacques Samuel, a French Alsatian Jew, spent the war in a family that was part of the Jewish Resistance. The pious, music-loving young man recorded what they all went through in a journal: the exodus, the refuge, the collective life on a farm school run by the Éclaireurs israélites de France (EIF), and the trek over the Pyrenees towards Spain in a desperate bid to reach Palestine, which ended in tragedy.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2014

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Les Juifs de Tunisie sous le joug nazi (9 novembre 1942 - 8 mai 1943)



This work brings together several eyewitness accounts, including that of Maximilian Trenner, interpreter in charge of relations with the Germans, and that of Georges Krief, a young lawyer. It presents the stories of labour camps such as that of Bizerte, run directly by the SS, and those dependent on the Italian Army. The fate of the Jews of Sousse and Sfax is also described.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2012

Related resources

Le sauvetage des enfants juifs par l’OSE - Georges Garel avec Katy Hazan



Thanks to the clandestine network which he set up inside the Organisation to Save the Children - OSE (Oeuvre de secours aux enfants), Georges Garel saved many Jewish children pursued by the Nazis and their collaborators. This republication of his war memoirs presents to the reader a reference document, a detailed examination of this exceptional action.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2012

Andrée Salomon, une femme de lumière - Georges Weill et Katy Hazan



Andrée Salomon (1908-1985) was one of the great figures in the Jewish Resistance in France. She was responsible for social welfare in the OSE. She organized the saving of children from the internment camps in the southern zone, who were placed in the houses of the OSE, then kept in hiding with false identities to enable them to evade deportation.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2011

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Six mois sous la botte - Paul Ghez



A hero of two wars, a prominent 44-year-old lawyer and very modern leader of the Jewish community, Paul Ghez is a man of character who successfully defied SS Colonel Walter Rauff. His diary, which he kept daily, enlightens us on the incidents of the fight against the Gestapo and on the fate of the Jewish population and those condemned to forced labour.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2009

Related resources

Souvenirs d’un médecin d’enfants à l’OSE en France occupée et en Suisse, 1940-1945 - Dr Gaston Lévy



Gaston Lévy, paediatrician at the Strasbourg and Paris faculties, is one of the major figures of the Organisation to Save the Children - OSE (Oeuvre de secours aux enfants). After France's defeat in 1940, Dr Lévy made his home in Béziers with his family and made contact with the OSE. In 1941, he became medical inspector for the children’s homes and director of the babies' home at Limoges.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2008

Étoile jaune et croix gammée - Robert Borgel



The Shoah brushed against Tunisia. The Jews there were persecuted, but the Nazis were not able to inflict on Tunisian Jewry the special treatment reserved for the Jewish populations which fell under their domination. Robert Borgel, a barrister in Tunis, and his father Moïse, president of the town’s Jewish community, were major players in this drama. Robert Borgel describes here in especially lively detail how the community leaders managed to save their fellow Jewish citizens detained by the worst of criminals.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2007

Aux frontières de l'espoir - Georges Loinger avec Katy Hazan



From his adolescence in Alsace, Georges Loinger was made aware of the danger represented by the Nazi plans for the Jews. He dedicated himself to physical education for the young to prepare them for the challenges ahead. As a prisoner of war, he escaped in 1941 from his German Stalag to be reunited with his wife at La Bourboule. Then he threw himself wholeheartedly into the Resistance inside the Burgundy network and, with the OSE, participated in saving Jewish children.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2006

Mes vingt ans à l'OSE 1941-1961 - Jenny Masour-Ratner



The itinerary of Jenny Masour-Ratner is intimately linked to the history of the Organisation to Save the Children - OSE (Oeuvre de secours aux enfants), where she worked till the early 1960s. A Russian Jewish immigrant from Odessa, Jenny left the Paris region during the exodus and went to Montpellier where she joined the OSE. Following the organisation’s movements, she participated in the decision-making and was active up to the Liberation to save Jewish children.

Éditions Le Manuscrit / Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah - 2006