Gordin Foundation for School Property
Since 2008, the Rachel and Jacob Gordin Fondation has helped Jewish schools fund property projects. The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah houses the Gordin Foundation in the framework of a partnership with the United Jewish Social Fund, the Harevim Fund and the Rothschild and Sacta-Rashi Foundations.
The Foundation Rachel and Jacob Gordin has been created in 2008 to help jewish schools in financing certain property projects. Sheltered by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, the Gordin Foundation operates within a partnership framework with the Jewish United Social Fund, the Harevim Fund, and the Rothschild and Sacta-Rashi Fund.
The Gordin Foundation can provide financial support for property projects involving rehabilitation, compliance, and expansion.
It also focuses on streamlining school governance and explores potential consolidations, relying on a map of Jewish schools it has commissioned.
Any institution seeking funding from the Gordin Foundation must approve a charter committing to principles of rigorous management and providing education that respects both republican and Jewish values.
The processing of applications has been entrusted to the school action department of the Jewish United Social Fund.
A fund for Jewish schools has also been established to assist institutions facing an influx of new students from public schools whose families struggle to afford tuition fees. Prepared in 2015, this initiative took effect in February 2016.
Supported institutions
In alphabetical order:
- AIU La Bruyère - Paris 9e arr.
- AIU Georges Leven - Paris 12e arr.
- AIU Gustave Leven - Paris 16e arr.
- Aquiba - Strasbourg (67)
- Beth Hanna - Paris 19e arr.
- Beth Hannah - Strasbourg (67)
- Beth Israël - Épinay-sur-Seine (93) et Montmagny (95)
- Beth Menahem - Fontenay-sous-Bois (94)
- Beth Menahem - Villeurbanne (69)
- Beth Rivkah - Yerres (91)
- Centre socio-éducatif du Barry - Marseille (13)
- Centre Eshel - Strasbourg (67)
- Chné-Or - Aubervilliers (93)
- Cohen Tenoudji - Savigny-sur-Orge (91)
- École Aide et Éducation - Levallois-Perret (92)
- École juive d’Aix-en-Provence (13)
- École juive de Cannes (06)
- École juive moderne - Paris 17e arr.
- École privée Gabriel - Paris 16e arr.
- Eretz éducation, Paris 11e arr.
- Etz Haïm - Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (94)
- Gan Agena - Neuilly-sur-Seine (92)
- Gan Alef - Neuilly-sur-Seine (92)
- Gan Ami - Marseille (13)
- Gan Chochana et École Nathanel - Metz (57)
- Gan Pardess Hanna - Montrouge (92)
- Gan Schlomo Arrouas - Thiais (94)
- Gan Zichrone Yaacov - Paris 7e arr.
- Ganénou - Paris (75012)
- Groupe scolaire Rachi (anciennement Gaston Tenoudji) - Paris 17e arr.
- Kerem Menahem - Nice (06)
- Levinas - Paris 11e arr.
- Les Oliviers - Les Benjamins de Pantin (93)
- Lucien de Hirsch - Paris 19e arr.
- Lycée Daniel - Levallois-Perret (92)
- Lycée talmudique - Aix-les-Bains (73)
- Merkaz Hatorah - Gagny (93)
- Merkaz Hatorah - Le Raincy (93)
- NER - Sarcelles (95)
- Nouvelle école juive - Paris 4e arr.
- Ohel Barouch - Vincennes (94)
- Ohr Sarah - Pantin (93)
- ORT Toulouse - Colomiers (31)
- Ozar Hatorah - Créteil (94)
- Rambam-Maïmonide - Boulogne-Billancourt (92)
- Sinaï - Paris 20e arr.
- Tomer Debora - Aix-les-Bains (73)
- Yaguel Yaacov - Montrouge (92)
- Yavné - Marseille (13)

L’école élémentaire Ozar Hatorah – Créteil
Present a project
Patrick Petit-Ohayon
Director of School Action at the FSJU
Espace Rachi - Guy De Rothschild
39, Rue Broca 75005 Paris
Tél : 01 42 17 10 67
Email : p.petitohayon@fsju.org