domaine-culture-juive 834561 Jewish culture

Culture juive | Formation

L'Université populaire du Judaïsme

Created in 2013 by Shmuel Trigano, the Université Populaire du Judaïsme offers a series of courses in the fundamental disciplines of Jewish studies. Combining intellectual rigor while aiming to remain accessible to the largest number of people, these seminars are open to everyone who would like to discover or pursue their knowledge of Judaism.

Culture juive | Film

Le Ghetto de Venise, une histoire des Juifs de Venise. Un film d’Emanuela Giordano

The movie reconstructs the history of the oldest ghetto of Europe, thanks to the memories and to the testimonies of witnesses, custodians of the memory and of the complex evolution of the Jewish community in Venice. 


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Culture juive | Publication

Artistes juifs de l’école de Paris 1905-1939 - Nadine Nieszawer et Déborah Princ

Between 1905 and 1939, Paris attracted artists from all over the world. In this melting pot centered on Montparnasse, one group set itself apart: the Jewish artists who came from Russia, Poland, and across Central Europe. Although their styles varied, a common fate united them: they had fled the anti-Semitic persecutions in their home countries.

Somogy éditions - 2015

Culture juive | Publication

Les Juifs d'Algérie : images et textes, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Jean Laloum et Jean-Luc Allouche

Edited by Jean Laloum, this book shows, through photographs and previously unpublished testimonies, the complexity and richness of Jewish life in Algeria in all its aspects: history, economic life, religious life, tradition. A beautiful memory book.

Culture juive | Publication

La naissance du hassidisme, Mystique, rituel et société (XVIII°- XIX°siècle) - Jean Baumgarten

With the help of a grant from the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, Jean Baumgarten has written the first work in French on the Hassidic movement, which he studies in its entirety: from its theological underpinnings to its social organisation, from religious custom to mystical practices. This book situates hassidism with the history of Jewish mysticism, looking at the beginnings of the movement as well as identifying the novelty of the doctrines of its first masters who, notably in the ecstasy of prayer, dance, singing, sought to bring about a unification between the human body and the divinity of the universe.

Fondation Gordin pour l'immobilier scolaire

Since 2008, the Rachel and Jacob Gordin Fondation has helped Jewish schools fund property projects. The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah houses the Gordin Foundation in the framework of a partnership with the United Jewish Social Fund, the Harevim Fund and the Rothschild and Sacta-Rashi Foundations.

Dix millions d'euros pour des projets d'avenir

Dans un contexte difficile, la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah intensifie son soutien aux organisations juives pour les aider à construire l'avenir du judaïsme français. Le Conseil d'administration de la FMS a ainsi engagé une enveloppe exceptionnelle de 10 millions d'euros sur trois ans afin de participer de manière significative au financement de grands projets structurants.

Anthologie du judaïsme

This anthology, destined for a general readership, brings together fundamental texts, selected by several specialists, which evoke the richness and diversity of a rich culture that goes back several thousand years.

Editions Nathan, 2007

Supported projects - Jewish culture

From the very start, the Foundation has been committed to transmitting and making the best possible use of the thousand-year-old legacy of Judaism — entire segments of which were annihilated during the Shoah. The Foundation supports all aspects of Judaism in its diversity, with a special emphasis on education, to ensure the transmission of Jewish culture from generation to generation. It is especially attuned to initiatives that promote Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish cultures and languages and encourage access to major Jewish texts.